All Bodies Strong Logo

All Bodies Strong is the first fat-owned and operated gym in the Pacific Northwest, and is designed first and foremost to be size-inclusive for all bodies.

We promote size inclusivity in our space with our equipment, gym layout, accessible training programs, and our knowledgeable and informed staff to support you.

At All Bodies Strong, our goal is for everyone to feel seen, feel safe and be welcomed in our gym, and we enable all bodies to take up space and have fun with fitness.

Let us help you find your inner and outer strength!

Coaches Will, Christina, and Chris at an All Bodies Strong community event
Powerlifting coaches Christina and Will stand in front of the gym sign on opening day
Coach Koko, gym dog, lounges while gym members participate in a Power Lifting class behind her.
Members of All Bodies Strong gather in celebration after a powerlifting event

“At All Bodies Strong, you belong”

Our services

  • Barbell Illustration

    Small Group: Powerlifting & PowerUP

  • Boxing Gloves Illustration

    Small Group Boxing

  • Illustration of two individuals high-fiving

    1:1 Personal Training

Our team

  • Coach Will Lifting a barbell from a deadlift position for a powerlifting class

    Coach Will

    Co-Owner & Head Powerlifting Coach

  • Coach Christina holds a barbell within a squat rack

    Coach Christina

    Co-Owner, Head Body Acceptance Coach and Associate Powerlifting Coach

  • Coach Chris is smiling at the camera, hands wrapped as they prepare to lead a boxing class

    Coach Chris

    Head Boxing Coach and Associate Powerlifting Coach

Want more info? Contact us, today.